图的几个常见的概念: Node, Edge, Directed graph, Undirected graph, Adjacent Matrix and Adjacent List
Maintain a FIFO queue, put all traversed nodes that haven't been expanded; Generate a node's neighbor nodes, reach out to its neighboring nodes; Terminate until the queue is empty
Determine whether a binary tree is a complete binary tree
直观印象是,一棵complete binary tree是所有的Node都尽量的向左下角靠齐,一旦遇到过null之后,就不可以在遇到任何的数字
Dijkstra Algorithm
Find the shortest path cost from a single node to any other node in that graph. 用到的数据结构是 Priority Queue (Min Heap)
在Priority Queue中,首先把(4,0)Pop出去,然后加入
Node(5, 10) Node(3, 1) Node(6, 1) 按照第二个元素进行min Heapify
Pop Node(6, 1) nothing new is added into
Pop Node(3, 1) 加入 Node(2, 2) Min Heapify
Pop Node(2, 2) 加入 Node(5, 3) Node(1,3)
Until the priorityQueue is Empty or target Node is expanded
Find All Subsets of a Set {a, b, c}
Find All Permutation
Given a string with no duplicate letters, how to print all permutation of all strings
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